Informed Consent and Waiver of Liability
Informed Consent and Waiver of Liability
Please complete this form once prior to individual sound sessions.
✓ I understand that Himalayan Sound Healing is a simple, gentle, energy-based vibrational technique that is used for stress reduction and relaxation.
✓ I understand that these techniques do not take the place of medical care. It is recommended that I see a licensed physician or licensed health care professional for any physical or psychological ailment I may have.
✓ I understand that Himalayan Sound Healing can complement any medical or psychological care I may be receiving. I also understand that the body has the ability to heal itself and to do so, complete relaxation is often beneficial.
✓ I will inform Denise Mihalik and Sound Awakenings LLC prior to each session if I am pregnant, have a pace maker or have had recent surgery.
✓ I understand that services provided by Denise Mihalik and Sound Awakenings LLC are not to be interpreted as a medical examination, diagnosis, or a substitute for medical treatment, and that nothing said or done during the course of the session given should be interpreted as such.
✓ I understand that notification of cancellation must be made at least 24 hours in advance of my scheduled appointment. I understand that if I cancel my appointment without 24 hours advanced notice or do not keep my appointment, I will be charged full fee for the session.
I have read and understand the above information provided by Denise Mihalik of Sound Awakenings LLC. I agree to release Denise Mihalik and Sound Awakenings LLC in any legal action including but not limited to legal proceedings, suit against third party, and legal action that may be taken against me for my teachings or actions. I agree to release and indemnify Denise Mihalik and Sound Awakenings LLC from, and against, any and all liability, which may occur with the above treatment.
Cell Phone
Cell Phone
Draw your signature into the box below.
I understand this is a legal representation of my signature.
Full Name
I understand this is a legal representation of my signature.
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